Professional Card Of A Real Estate Agent: Definition And Obligations In 5 Questions

The professional card of a real estate agent is the precious sesame allowing you to exercise your activity legally. Who can apply for this professional card, and under what conditions? What are the procedures for obtaining it, and from which institution? What types of activities does it regulate?

Here is all you need to know to apply for (and obtain) the professional card and thus open your real estate agency in 5 practical questions!

  1. Why is the professional real estate agent card essential?

If you aim to exercise any real estate activity (transactions, rental management, co-ownership property manager, etc.), you are required to obtain this professional card issued by the local Chamber of Commerce and Industry. This is because it allows professionals to justify their skills in real estate. It is a constraint imposed by the Hoguet law of January 1970, which governs this activity.

The card given to the real estate agent has a number and a place of delivery, two pieces of information that must appear on all the documents issued by the agency in the context of its activity (mandates, contracts, correspondence, etc.).

  1. Who can apply for the professional card, and under what conditions?

Any natural or legal person with training or experience in the real estate field can make a request to obtain a professional card.

If you have taken the training, you must present:

  • A State diploma of a level equal to or greater than three years of study after the Bac, obtained in the legal, economic or commercial fields, issued by a university or by a higher education school;
  • A DUT or BTS diploma with real estate specialization or management accounting;
  • A diploma issued by the Institute of Economic and Legal Studies Applied to Construction and Housing.

By way of professional experience, you must justify:

  • With the Bac in the pocket, or a diploma or equivalent level: 4 years of experience as a full-time employee under the control of a professional card holder, or in an activity (public or private) relating to real estate or management transactions, or even in an HLM organization.
  • Without the Bac and without an equivalent diploma: 10 years of experience under the same conditions.

So that the professional card of real estate agent testifies to his aptitudes and his skills in the matter. These are the conditions to be fulfilled to obtain it.

  1. What real estate activities does it regulate?

The professional card is compulsory for:

  • The real estate agents who want to support transactions  (purchase, sale, lease, sublease, rent, bare rentals or furnished properties built or unbuilt, transactions related to business): the map then labeled “T. “
  • Property managers  (mention “G”).
  • The co-ownership trustees  (“S” mention).

It is also essential for the activities carried out by the merchants of lists, as well as for tourist services and services. Note that the mention “Merchant of lists” is exclusive of the others, that is to say, that it is not possible to combine it with other activities. The professional real estate agent card allows him to exercise one or more of these activities legally.

  1. How to obtain the professional card of a real estate agent?

The professional real estate agent card is obtained by filing a request with the Territorial Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The applicant must collect the following supporting documents:

  • A diploma attesting to training in the field of real estate and / or a certificate of professional experience;
  • An extract from the criminal record ( bulletin n ° 2 ) attesting to the absence of prohibition or incapacity to practice;
  • A professional liability insurance certificate;
  • A financial guarantee certificate;
  • An extract Kor Kbis attesting to the registration of the company in the Trade and Companies Register, dated less than a month (to be requested from the relevant registry ).
  1. How long is it valid?

The professional real estate agent’s card is valid for three years, as stipulated by decree n ° 2015-702 dated June 19, 2015. In the past, this period was ten years.

Once the period of 3 years has expired, the professional card of a real estate agent must be the subject of a renewal request to the CCI.